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Org Charting in Healthcare like Novo Nordisk
When you're employing 29,000 employees in 76 countries, org charting becomes serious business. That's why the team at Novo Nordisk, the...
7 Steps to a Successful Restructure
The 7 steps to planning a successful restructure: Step 1 Set your transition management team Step 2 Effectively communicate your...
5 HR tips to managing a growing team
Managing a growing team is a great project to be a part of, especially in HR. It's exciting, your role often gets to expand with the...
Adding a Top Hat: Restructure Your Organisation Like Google
Google caused a stir in the news and on social media this week, when it revealed it will become a wholly owned subsidiary of a new parent...
4 ways Holacracy could put org charts in a spin
There has been a league of digital ink spilled over holacracy since Zappos adopted the practice in 2013, but to summarise, holacracy is a...
The 5 Steps to a Strong Salary Structure
Salary expenditure can often be hard to accurately track and manage. Having a strong salary structure and using software to identify...
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HR technology research
Every few years, we survey Australian and New Zealand organisations to find out how they are interacting with HR Technology.
The Navigo team are at the forefront of HR technology research – releasing 7 HR Tech Surveys to date! You can download a copy of the survey’s results for free.

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