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How to effectively track vaccination compliance in your organisation
Table of contents What is a vaccination compliance dashboard and why is it important? Use case: COVID-19 vaccination compliance...
Org Design Business Case and Stakeholder Buy-in
To create a successful organisation design, business leaders need to consider their strategic and operational priorities. This helps when...
Mining org chart best practices: Master your HR data
As a HR tech company aiming to help organisations optimise their workforce during any disruption, we’ve teamed up with lots of amazing HR...
Hacking the Hackathon: 3 ways to boost employee engagement
[Last Updated: May 2024]At Navigo, we invest in our people. We always try to encourage growth for individuals and as a team. It’s a high...
4 secrets to reduce leave liability for mid-large businesses
One HR challenge that most organisations face is an excess of annual leave liability. This article will help you understand how accrued...
Healthcare org charts: Best practices from Ambulance Victoria
For this months HR data deep dive, we're looking into the best practices for healthcare org charts. Due to disruptions like COVID, it’s...
Check out our free best practice guides, with strategy insights provided by veterans of the HR industry.
HR technology research
Every few years, we survey Australian and New Zealand organisations to find out how they are interacting with HR Technology.
The Navigo team are at the forefront of HR technology research – releasing 7 HR Tech Surveys to date! You can download a copy of the survey’s results for free.

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